Friday, March 27, 2015

Pictures and demonstrations

1) Video Clip:
2) Stabilizilation: Titanium in a pure form is in alpha phase which is a hexagonal structure, but alloys help stabilize the beta phase, which is a cubic form which adds a mixture of lightness and malleability

Diamond Indenter- When I did this project on Titanium metals, we had to use a diamond indenter to measure the hardness(strength) of the sample.
3) Finding an interview was not a challenge because I had the research team that helped me with the last project I did. I have numerous contacts and they are overall very nice people. The biggest challenges I had were finding questions that wouldn't make me look stupid, because these professionals tend to be a little critical, so I had to really increase the sophistication. In the actual interview, I was amazed at the clarity that Dr. Fraser had and he had ways to make understanding the practical applications of Titanium Alloys easy. To conclude, I had a lot of fun with this interview and I learned a lot. In the future, I will bring a voice recorder to get more of the information in depth that he said.
4) As of now, I have collected all my sources and I know what I want to say in my paper, I am definitely going to use my books more than my internet sources because they are more credible and they are written by world renown physicists and metallurgists. I think my length at the current time is sufficient and I think that I have written in a way that is easy to understand. As of now, I wouldn't have done the research process differently because everything is running smoothly, and I haven't run i to any major problems.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Vocab Terms and Definitions

Blog post 3 

2. Titanium
Densile Strength
SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope)
Alpha Phase
Beta Phase 
3. Overall, to find sources was not much of a problem because I had already had some prior research when it comes to titanium alloys. I got some handy textbooks from my dad in OSU which have a lot of meaningful information in them. Overall, since the textbooks are complex, I am skimming and picking some of the most important information I can, because obviously I am not giving a PHD thesis or anything. I just have to give the reader a basic understanding of aerospace application. 

I have learned how to differentiate between a credible source and an uncredible one. I have also learned how to pick information that I need relatively rapidly through the process of skimming, so I save myself time and also make my information more concise and understandable. At this point, I think I have all the sources I need, and I don't need anymore. Overall, the only secondary questions that I am having trouble with are the ones that concern the history of Titanium, because although I have learned a lot by working with them, I never went to great lengths to find out information like "who is the person who discovered Titanium", or "what year was it discovered?". 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Revised Abstract

I am trying to learn about the use of Titanium Alloys in Aerospace application. Traditionally, these alloys are made in a melting and casting fashion, and now they are mass produced and are used in prosthesis, appliances, and airplane. I want to learn more about this because they are very widely used and they are very important to the progress of humanity. They are useful in so many ways, but there are so many alloys that are not as good as others. I am trying to do this in order to compare the alloys that I have designed to others and say why mine is better. This topic is very important to me because I am interested in engineering principles and I want to make a mark on the world with my research and make a combination of Titanium, Aluminum, and Vanadium in the right proportions so that they could be mass produced(low cost) and serve multiple purposes.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Essential Questions and Purpose

I am trying to learn about the use of Titanium Alloys in Aerospace application. Traditionally, these alloys are made in a melting and casting fashion, and now they are mass produced and are used in prosthesis, appliances, and airplanes. This project is very important to me and I plan to utilize it in my college endeavors. I want to learn more about this because they are very widely used and they are very important to the progress of humanity. They are useful in so many ways, but there are so many alloys that are not as good as others. I am trying to do this in order to compare the alloys that I have designed to others and say why mine is better. This topic is very important to me because I am interested in engineering principles and I want to make a mark on the world with my research and make a combination of Titanium, Aluminum, and Vanadium in the right proportions so that they could be mass produced(low cost) and serve multiple purposes.

Who does this topic apply to?
Who will benefit from Titanium Alloy Application?
Who will be able to use this research?

 What is this topic about?
What are the practical applications of Titanium Alloys?
What will this pose for the future

When were Titanium Alloys discovered?
When was Titanium realized as an element of significant utilization

Why Titanium?
Why not other elements?
Why am I doing this project?

How are titanium alloys made?
How does this compare to other alloys?

Where are Titanium alloys found?
Where have I conducted this research?